
What is electromagnetic pollution?

Electromagnetic pollution is the excessive exposure to radiation waves produced by both natural elements (hollow cavities of the subsoil, water, thunderstorms) and artificial elements (radio waves, antennas, wireless networks, high voltage power lines, etc). These waves invisibly damage the cellular structure of living organisms, both people, animals or plants.

The earth emits waves of frequency of 7.83 Hz on average, optimal for the cells, but due to the excess of electromagnetic pollution (EMF), these are altered and do not always reach us with the ideal intensity.

What effects does it produce?

Excessive exposure to electromagnetic waves can produce what is called a geopathy. The geopathies may involve a loss of the reproductive capacity of the cells, possible damage to the genetic code, nervous alteration and other symptoms such as:

  • Increased nervousness and stress
  • Problems in the quality of sleep
  • Semicircular lipoatrophy
  • Chronic exhaustion
  • Electrosensitivity
  • Migraines, headaches, …
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Infographics on electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic radiation
Natural electromagnetic radiation

Electromagnetic pollution of artificial origin

High voltage towers