
What is Veema Animal System and what is it for?

Veema Animal System is a system that reduces the effects of electromagnetic pollution that surrounds us and that allows recovering the frequency of natural origin that living beings need (7.83 Hz on average).

Taking advantage of the circulation of air currents, natural or artificial, Veema Animal System generates waves through its two devices (VM1 and VM2) that, strategically placed, provoke a dynamic within the treated area that harmonizes the space and reduces the effects negative caused by excess electromagnetic pollution.

Its results are backed up by more than 15 years of research and are contrasted in several thousand installations.

How is it installed?

After a study of air volume, ventilation systems and electromagnetic flows through a spectrometry and an assessment of the distribution of the space to be treated, we can calculate the number of devices VM1 and VM2 needed and the most suitable place of placement, so we can provide the maximum possible performance.

Veema Animal System

Triple Animal System

What are the benefits of Veema Animal System?

The main objective of Veema Animal System is to harmonize spaces, that is, to make them healthier. Once installed, a greater sense of tranquility and concentration in them is detected.

At present, we have facilities throughout the country that provide services to public entities, companies and homes.

Veema Animal System is the technology of wellness that can not be seen, but it is felt.

Veema Animal System

  • Horses: Improvement of performance, rest and reduction of training time.
  • Pigs: Reduction of abortions and mortality, more homogeneous lots and reduction of hierarchy time.
  • Cows: Reduction of open days, better response to disease treatments and greater milk production.
  • Birds: Greater resistance to diseases, decreased fattening time and more homogeneous lots.
Veema System